Crappy Original Names Of 10 Famous Bands

Desi Jedeikin

Naming things is hard. So I'm not surprised that it took these bands a few tries to come up with the perfect name. Hey, even if the new name isn't that great, at least they tried. What's your excuse Matchbox 20? 


Green Day 

original name green day


Original Name: Sweet Children

The band dropped their original name to avoid confusion with another local band called, Sweet Baby. Green Day was a tribute to the band's love of marijuana. And here I thought it was their way of promoting the dangers of global warming and the importance of recycling. I'm so naive sometimes.



original name queen


Original Name: Smile

Smile was the name of a popular London-based blues band. Then they got a new singer named Freddie Mercury and for some reason were inspired to change the name. Never has flamboyance seemed more badass!


Beastie Boys 

original name bands beastie boys


Original Name: The Young Aborigines

Originally a hardcore punk band, the boys changed their name when they transitioned into hip hop, and  released their single 'Cooky Puss'.  The song became an underground hit and cemented the band's signature mix of humor and dope beats. It just cemented my desire to have some Carvel.



original name bands rem


Original Names: Twisted Kite, Can of Piss, Negro Wives

Um, Can of Piss is mildly amusing but how was Negro Wives EVER a good idea!? Lead singer Michael Stipe eventually chose REM by randomly opening up a dictionary and just picking something. I'm thinking that it's way better when he doesn't over think things.



original name bands nirvana


Original Names: Pen Cap Chew, Skid Row

Kurt Cobain said that he eventually chose the name Nirvana because he wanted a name "that was kind of beautiful or nice and pretty instead of a mean and raunchy."  There's nothing beautiful about a chewed pen cap. And it's pretty mean when someone borrows your pen and then returns it with a gnarly cap. Jerks. Just keep the pen.


Black Sabbath 

original name band black sabbath


 Original Name: The Polka Tulk Blues Band

The band was originally named after a cheap brand of powder Ozzy Osbourne saw in his mother's bathroom. Because nothing is more hardcore than something that's part of your your mother's grooming routine. Luckily the band changed the name to something much more conducive to throwing up The Sign of the Horns.


Pearl Jam 

original name bands pearl jam


Original name: Mookie Blaylock

The band was originally named after the NBA point guard with an odd name. Glad they went with something more Pearl Jam. I'd like to take this opportunity to say, that's gross, dudes.


Snow Patrol 

original names famous bands snow patrol


Original name: Polar Bear

Considering this band is from Ireland, what's with the cold and snowy obsession? I guess Snow Patrol is better than Polar Bear...bearly. Sorry, couldn't resist.



original names famous bandscoldplay


Original name: Starfish

The band changed their name to Coldplay after they were sued by Patrick Star. JK. Just trying to add some humor to the situation. Because Coldplay is very serious. Even when they're wearing matching outfits and getting their picture taken. 



original names famous bands slayer


Original name: Dragon Slayer

I guess I can see why the band changed their name from Dragon Slayer to the more simple and subtle Slayer. Because if there's one thing I know about Slayer, they don't like to do anything that might be interpreted as 'showy'. 

What original name do you think is the worst? Let me know @desijedeikin or in the comments below!

Check Out 8 Bands With Terrible Style!
