Publishers twice as keen on PS4 and Durango than Wii U

By Brenna Hillier

According to the Games Connection Publisher Survey 2013, 22% of surveyed publishers plan to release games on the PlayStation 4 and Microsoft’s new console, but just 11% are interested in releasing games for Wii U.

The Wii U is still doing better than other current generation hardware, though, with only 6% indicating interest in future PS3 and Xbox 360 releases, according to a report on MCV.

As in a recent GDC survey of developers, more publishers (9%) are interested in future Vita releases than 3DS (5%), even though the 3DS has a higher install base. Interest in both PSP and DS is witheringly low at 2%.

Meanwhile, motion controls – the passing generation’s great white hope – are right out. 3% of publishers have plans for Kinect and PlayStation Move. The poor old Wii barely gets a look in with 2%.

As well as changing platform interests, the survey showed that publishers are rethinking how they sell their games. 60% said they almost never release physical boxed copies of games. This figure will seem high if you’re console -centric; on consoles, 62% of publishers utilised boxed releases.

But elsewhere, 25% of publishers said they only use free-to-play, and 40% said they often use it. 55% have gone right off subscription services.
