Smosh Schedule for PLAYLIST LIVE 2013


mario castle collaboration

Hey everybody!

If you are going to Playlist Live this year, and are interested in meeting Anthony Padilla and Ian Hecox, here's the schedule below for their signings/meetups. Stop by, say hello, and try not to get lost in Ian's crystal blue eyes or Anthony's crystal dark hair.

Check out the Smosh twitter for more updates, and don't forget to tweet your Smoshy Playlist adventures with the hashtag @smoshplaylist. We'll be retweeting all weekend!

Thanks and HAVE FUN!




Smosh Signings


3:00 pm – 5:00 pm

Meetup Table 6


1:00 pm – 3:00 pm

Meetup Table 5

Merch Booth – Stop by, grab a shirt or a poster, and say hi!

TWEET US!  If you’re going to Playlist Live, tweet us your pics using #SmoshPlaylist… we’ll be retweeting all weekend! 
