18 Dogs In Pantyhose

Will Weldon

Not to be left behind by the USA, the people of China will sometimes invent their own photo memes. For example, putting dogs into pantyhose and heels, and photographing them. Good work, China. 

This is what the internet was made for.


two retrievers lounging in pantyhose



dog in panthose bent over on the couch



fluffy dog chillin in pantyhose



white dog in a tiara smiling



golden retriever in pantyhose and slippers



retriever in pantyhose and sneakers



fluffy dog in beige hose



bummed out looking dog in pantyhose



husky in black pantyhose



yet another retriever in pantyhose



dalmation in blue pantyhose



dog in pantyhose and zebra boots



white dog with a bow photoshopped on



puppy in panthose and black boots



fluffy white dog black hose looking nervous



dog in bow and pantyhose and wings



dog in pantyhose and rabbit ears



smug dog also wearing boots


How should we further shame our animals to keep them in line? Let me know in the comments!

Check out the 17 Nerdiest Dogs!
