20 Nerdy iPhone Cases

Zach Ames

There was once a time when just having an iPhone let everyone know that you were a total nerd. Those days are over. Now, everyone and their grandma has an iPhone. You've got to do something to make yourself standout from the drooling masses. Get yourself a sweet nerdy iPhone case and then everyone that sees you talking on your phone will think to themselves, "What a dork!" Here are nerdy iPhone cases.


keep calm and catch pokemon iphone case



avengers iphone case



dr steve brule iphone case



batman iphone case



sonic the hedgehog iphone case



skull iphone case



giant ear iphone case



marvel comics heroes iphone case



no farting iphone case



every doctor who iphone case



boba fett and han solo in carbonite iphone case



robocop walking ed 209 iphone case



baby monkey iphone case



bear hug iphone case



bamboo birds iphone case



8 bit apple logo iphone case



cyclops iphone case



evil disney queen iphone case



giving tree iphone case



bling mario iphone case



What kind of case do you have on your iPhone? Let me know on twitter @zachlunch or in the comments below!


Check Out Super Cool Custom iPhone Cases!
