I was once not an adult, and then I became an adult, and it was incredibly exciting. Then, after about nine hours, I realized it was a drag. All that wonder, gone, and gone so quickly! "But Will," you say "I want examples." Alright, fine, don’t take me at my word, you jerks. Here are 6 Things That Are Exciting About Being An Adult But Get Old Quick
"WHOOOOO, PARTY!" That’s probably what you imagine everyone says about drinking. Well, it’s not. Drinking is fun, like, once, and even then you’re probably just tricking yourself into thinking it’s fun. After that it is nothing but mututal peer pressure pushing each of you to consume more than you should. And by the time you finally figure out both your limits, AND how to turn down drinks, guess what? You’re hooked. Just like the after school specials said it would happen…
I know, I know. Even before you are an adult, you eat (so there’s no need to flame me in the comments about that.) But what you eat is much more heavily controlled by your parents/legal guardian/karate master before you reach adulthood. After that, the gloves are off! And apparently the gloves were holding your more disgusting habits in check, because you are going to eat like a pig. But once you start, it’s really hard to stop, and all of a sudden you’re staring at a carrot like it’s a sea monster, it’s been so long since you’ve had a vegetable.
Having Friends
School provides you with a social structure that you have to take part in, whether you like it or not. Thus, it’s easy to stay in touch with your friends, as you see them every day (every week day, anyway.) But once you become an adult, and get bogged down with responsibilities, and work, and struggling to find reasons to live, you don’t have time to see your friends anymore because, y’know, sleep and stuff.
Living On Your Own
"WHOOOOOOOO!!!!!! PARTY!!!!!! …as soon as I get these dishes done." It’s crazy how much stuff there is to do when you live on your own. As I said above, goodbye friends!
Just kidding, voting is for nerds! Seriously, though, in the USA most of the states have become so solidly either Democrat or Republican that, unless you live in a swing state, voting actually is kind of pointless. Fun facts! (And by "fun" I mean "depressing".)
You are an adult now, you control your own destiny! Yeah, good luck with that. Life is hard. Real hard. And now all of it’s tough decisions are yours to make, and then suffer the consequences of.
What about the future will just end up disappointing you? Let me know in the comments!
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