Besides the meaning of life, man’s most important question is: Is Batman or Superman better? Sure, Superman has incredible powers, but Batman represents the height of human ingenuity and discipline. It’s a tough question to answer, so THE WARP ZONE tries to answer it the only way they know how… with a SONG.
Links for today!
For Everyone:
- Batman's Cool Internet Video (Smosh Video)
- 8 Ways To Skip Your Friends' Stupid Shit Now That It's Warm Out (College Humor)
- Blizzard Is Totally Going To Make ‘StarCraft: Ghost’ (UPROXX)
- A Faux Facebook Post to Kristen Stewart on Her 23rd Birthday (teen.com)
- The famous Einstein-with-his-tongue-out picture was taken after he got bored of smiling at his 72nd birthday! (OMG-facts)
- First image of Beast from 'X-Men: Days of Future Past' shows some white hairs (Just Jared)
- Of Course James Cameron Is Developing New Underwater Motion Capture Technology (Screen Junkies)
Don't Say We Didn't Warn You:
- Human Chair Prank (Super Booyah)
- The Morning Jolt: Sandler and Shaq (Holy Taco)
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