A new study from AT&T indicates that adults text and drive more often than teenagers. Nearly half adults admitted to texting while driving, while only 43 percent of teens said the same. Surprisingly, 98 percent of adults who said they were driving and texting said they knew it was wrong!
We're CLEARLY dealing with a bunch of adult sociopaths here.
This flies in the face of conventional wisdom, which tells us that teens are irresponsible and stupid, pulling stunts like this:
"Dude, we're never ever EVER gonna die!"
... while adults are smart and mature, spending their day on activities like this:
"Don't forget to factor in business."
But here's the secret that adults don't want you to know: There is ultimately no difference between teenagers and adults. There are super responsible teens who support their elderly grandparents and there are super irresponsible adults who text and drive. We're all just people, ever-growing, ever-changing, and all trying to do the best that we can.
This notion that teenagers are a bunch of dolts, doesn't take into account that people are dolts. There is no ceremony where you enter adulthood and suddenly realize that texting and driving isn't okay. The closest thing to a line between being a teenager and an adult is the first time you have to pay a utility bill, and believe me, you can still be PLENTY irresponsible about that.
I usually just push random buttons on a calculator until I feel less afraid.
Do you text and drive? Let me know on twitter @mikeyfromsu or in the comments below!
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