Tomb Raider PC patch live on Steam

By Stace Harman

Crystal Dynamics’ Tomb Raider has been patched via Steam. Patch 1.01.743.0 is primarily intended to fix a problem that a previous patch inadvertently added. Additional details down below.

In a post on the Tomb Raider forums, a representative of developer Crystal Dynamics reported that the fixes include:

  • Resolved a problem where mouse control in the basecamp upgrade screen would not work properly since build 742.0.
  • Stereo3D parameters for strength and depth can now be modified in the registry beyond their normal in-game range again.
  • GPU performance improvements, specifically at higher quality levels.

However, they also had less happy news regarding the issues that some players have experienced on NVIDIA hardware: “Unfortunately we do not yet have a resolution for the players that are experiencing crashes and major graphical corruption on NVIDIA hardware. Some progress has been made though, and we expect hope to have an update soon.”

The patch should be applied automatically, when you next start Steam.
