What To Do On Spring Break If You're Staying Home

Jessica Poter

Sometimes life is unfair. Like when your name isn’t chosen in the charter school lottery. And sometimes life is still overall pretty good, just more boring than other times, like when you don’t get to go somewhere cool for spring break. Looking for ways to combat the staycation blues? Why don’t you:


Watch All "The Daily Shows" From January Through March

spring stay jon stewart


Your homework load this past winter left you feeling dumb as to what’s going on in the world right now. But let’s be honest, you’re not going to read a newspaper. Take this opportunity to watch all "The Daily Shows" that aired since the beginning of the year. You’ll not only gain a better sense of what’s happening in The White House and beyond but also how to properly complain about it!


Make Scrapbooks Of Times You Had Fun

spring stay scrapbook fail


I know it’s hard to believe, but people get over websites. I’m terrified of the day we all decide Facebook is stupid. One by one, everybody will delete their accounts, taking with them precious pictures I never bothered to save or print. And if the pictures aren’t there, we’ll all probably forget how we know each other or if there was ever a time in our lives when we had fun. PRINT YOUR PICTURES; SAVE YOURSELVES.


Pet The Lesser Of Your Dogs

spring stay dog bad


You have one dog that fits on your lap, and one dog that does not. Lap dog will always get more attention because you don’t have to move your torso to pet it. Poor other dog. Now’s your time, if you’re a good person.


Become Extremely Knowledgeable About One Obscure Thing

spring stay echidna facts


By the time you get back to school, you can be "that guy" - the one who can talk your ear off about echidna facts. Whatever, it’s better than being "Mike who wears flannel." Everyone loves echidnas and their associated facts.


Photoshop Yourself Into Your Friends’ Vacations

spring break photoshop fail


Make a deal with your friends that they’ll email you all photos before they post on social media. Then Photoshop yourself into that Cancun club or Disneyland roller coaster and Instagram away. I mean, you have a clique membership to maintain.



spring break sleep baby


All your friends will not be sleeping. But you will be sleeping. And when it comes time to finish out the school year, you will be rested. They won’t be rested. You will be the brightest, sharpest, shrewdest person in your class. World domination follows shortly.


What are some other things to do during a spring break at home? Let us know in the comments!


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