Why College Is A Huge Scam


College was great for me. I'm really glad that I went and I had a lot of fun. Did I really need to go to college? Like most people, I did not. College is pretty much useless for the majority of people that get conned in to going. Here is why college is a huge scam.


Getting Your Dream Job

homer in outer space


What They Tell You

College is built on the hopes and dreams of people who were told they can be anything they want. They make it seem so simple. Get a degree and then you'll be able to get that job you always wanted. You might as well go ahead and buy that astronaut suit because you're going to be in outer space in no time.

huge graduating class


Why It's Not True

The job market is incredibly competitive and there are a ton of people just as qualified as you trying to get that same job. And those people are probably better connected. I've never in my adult life had a job actually care if I have a degree or not. All anyone in the real working world cares about is whether or not you can actually work. The only job I've ever applied for that cared about my degree was sperm donation. And I needed a Master's Degree for that job so I didn't get it.


Student Loans

daryll from wlaking dead student loans meme


What They Tell You

It is super easy to get a massive student loan. Most people that go to college need to get a student loan to be able to pay for tuition because schools are so expensive. Sure, you'll have a to pay it back but that isn't for four whole years. Until then, party it up and worry about it later. Everything will work out great.

dog delivering pizza


Why It's Not True

The biggest burden of most people's adult life is having to pay back their student loan. If you were able to land that dream job you were promised then you'd be able to pay it back with no trouble. Unfortunately, you're delivering pizzas so you don't really have the extra dough to make monthly payments.


Expanding Your Knowledge

1950s kid wearing a dunce cap


What They Tell You

You don't want people to think you're dumb do you? Everyone knows that if you have a college degree then you must be like totally smart and stuff cause you have a piece of paper that says you read a bunch of books and took some tests. Anyone that doesn't have a degree is a total dumb dumb who we should all make fun of.

guy stnading by stack of giant books


Why It's Not True

Almost everything you can learn in college can be learned on your own. The only exception to this is maybe getting a degree in being a fancy doctor. A college degree is just a piece of paper that says you learned a bunch of stuff in one field. Most of the text books are available for anyone to buy. Anything else you need to learn can be learned through on the job training. Honestly, I've forgotten most of what I learned in college because I only remembered things long enough to pass a test.


Great Memories

diverse college friends


What They Tell You

College is the best time of your life. It's so fun. You're going to have so many awesome memories and awesome friends. Those awesome friends are going to be your awesome friends until the day you die.

passed out guy with drawings on his face


Why It's Not True

Anyone who says that college was the best time in their life must have a pretty boring life. First of all, I don't remember half of what happened in college because I drank so much and I kind of wish I could forget a lot of the stuff I can remember. Secondly, I never talk to 95% of my friends from college. I moved away to a real city. Most of them are still getting drunk in the same bars every night. Why would I want to talk to them?


Preperation For Adulthood

parents pay for everything meme


What They Tell You

Getting a college education is exactly what you need to prepare yourself for adulthood. You'll finally be responsible for you instead of just relying on your parents for everything. College will teach you to get up early and make deadlines like a real adult.

teen mom cast photo


Why It's Not True

The truth is that college is just an excuse to extend your adolescence. When I graduated college, I was 23. By the time my parents were that age, they already had two kids. The only way to really become an adult is to jump right in to it. I don't consider anyone without kids to be an adult. There is nothing that will make you become an adult faster than having a living thing be dependent on you for survival. The closest thing I've had to having a kid is when I got an intestinal worm while I was camping.


What other ways is college a huge scam? Let me know on twitter @zachlunch or in the comments below!


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