Call of Juarez: Gunslinger gets action-packed launch trailer

By Debabrata Nath

Ubisoft’s released the launch trailer for Techland’s upcoming FPS Call of Juarez: Gunslinger and it focuses on the game’s main lead Silas Greaves and his journey in the game.

The lengthy trailer gives you a glimpse of Silas’ abilities, like the concentration mode which slows down time for you to easily shoot off enemies and the Sense of Death which enables you to dodge bullets and other forms of attacks. It also shows off the game’s three skill tress – sharp-shooting Ranger – close-quarters Trapper and the dual-wielding Gunslinger. The game’s modes also make an appearance in the trailer.

Call of Juarez: Gunslinger releases on PlayStation Network and PC on May 22 for $14.99 and Xbox Live for 1200 MSP. Watch the trailer below.
