Might & Magic Heroes 6 – Ubisoft working to fix issues plaguing users

By Stephany Nunneley

Since the release of Shades of Darkness for Might & Magic Heroes 6 this week, many players are reporting the inability to play the game, among other issues.

According to various posts on the Steam and Ubisoft forums, issues range corrupt installation files, missing music, issues with keys, freezing, and some even blaming the issues on the game’s DRM. Some issues were also blamed on the patch which coincided with the expansion’s release.

Ubisoft responded on the matter today, stating it is “working to correct” the issues, while assuring players that none of their content is lost.

“None of your content is lost and will reappear once this work has been carried out,” read the forum post. “Those with issues with keys, these are not broken and will be fixed as soon as possible.

“Steam users: if you see Shades of Darkness in your list you are correctly updated. Please ensure you restart Steam. Those with a new purchase of Standard, Gold, Deluxe Editions: we are aware of a menu issue and are working to correct this.”

Until a fix is issued, Ubisoft has pointed to a forum post from a user who found a way around some of the issues presented.
