Will Wright looking to create “games that intersect with players’ lives”

By Stephany Nunneley

During Game Horizon today, Will Wright hinted that his next game in development will focus on the player’s own reality, reports Eurogamer.

During a Q&A session, Wright said his company Syntertainment is exploring “basing games in reality”, as “a way to capture a wider audience,” with the focus on creativity and community.

The firm is looking to see how it can “build a game around the player’s life – the places they know, the people they hang out with”. The games, he hopes will “intersect your reality, but give you a very different perspective on it.”

He said it’s about “understanding the player very deeply and having a game that envelops and involves particular people”.

Sounds slightly like Hive Mind to us, which is apparently not happening any time soon at least. If at all.

You can watch the talk he gave at the Newcastle conference over on GI International or below.
