Quantum Break – Remedy explains how the game and TV show tie into one another

By Stephany Nunneley

Remedy has explained a bit how Quantum Break, its Xbox One exclusive which “blurs the line between gaming and TV“.

Speaking with Game Informer, creative director and writer, Sam Lake said the sc-fi game in which players control time, was “like a natural progression, and we’ve been on this path for a while now.”

“We’re trying to create this immersive, fictional world in the game,” he said. “Live-action has already been part of our experiences for a while. We want to push that further. It just feels somehow natural when talking about stories. The earlier steps were baby steps into that direction, and this is a bigger leap. We want to explore these possibilities.

“What you get when you buy the game is essentially the first season of Quantum Break. That includes the whole game and the whole show. They are connected in many different ways. The idea is that you get this deeper entertainment experience and they are interwoven, so we are aiming to get the perfect TV show-model pacing. So you play an episode of the game, you do certain junction points and choices along the way, and once you get to the end, we unlock an episode of the show.

“You get to watch it and see the consequences of the choices you’ve made in the game. Then you see glimpses of other stuff that helps you in the game, it gives you further information about certain things as well as clues how to unlock even further material. And then once again you get to play another episode of the game and it goes like that.”

Lake said players will have the freedom to choose skipping an episode of the show and keep on going, and can come back to the show and watch it later on.

“We are trying to nail the perfect pacing so that doing it as intended, you get a deeper, more powerful experience,” he said.

Quantum Break is slated for release in 2014.
