Liege confirmed for PS4 and Vita, Nintendo greenlights Wii U development

By Stephany Nunneley

Liege, John Rhee’s modern re-imagining of the classic 16-bit RPG on Kickstarter, has passed an integral stretch goal, which means the title will be developed for PS4, Vita, and Linux. According to the latest update on its crowdfunding page, the game has also been given the greenlight for development on Wii U.

“Bringing Liege to the WiiU is only fitting, given its roots in classic RPGs from the SNES era,” said Rhee. “I’d been planning for this update for a little while based on the updates I was getting from our Nintendo rep.”

Since the approval came late in the campaign, the Wii U release will happen a little after the release for the other platforms.

“This is to ensure we don’t delay our current schedule by adding the WiiU onto our list,” added Rhee. “I’ll still be doing everything possible to get as much of our last two stretch goals into the game. As mentioned previously, even if we fall short of our targets, I’m more than happy to put in the extra work myself to get them implemented as best I can.”

Liege is a cross platform, party-based, tactical role-playing game inspired by Japanese RPG classics, chess, and others.

The game’s interactive story is about ordinary people placed in fantastic, larger-than-life circumstances.

Liege is being planned as a trilogy with a continuous story arc, with the first release scheduled for early 2014.

Check out its pitch video below and find out more on Kickstarter. It looks really interesting.

With three days left on the clock, the game’s initial Kickstarter goal of $15,000 has been smashed by 1,792 backers pledging $52,083.
