Watch the Halo tournament live from Knoxville this weekend

By Stephany Nunneley

343 Industries and the Arena Gaming League are hosting a Halo tournament this weekend in Knoxville, TN where competitors will be battling for $10,000 in prize money.

According to Kotaku, Ambush has won four consecutive events, and will be up against some of the best players in the country Saturday and Sunday.

It’s happening now, and you can watch it on Twitch TV. The schedule is as follows: Satuday (EST) – 8:00am to 10:00pm – 4v4 competition; Sunday (EST) – 11:00am to 7:00pm – 4v4 competition, finals.

The Halo 4 Global Championship is a summer-long tournament in which participants can win $500,000 in prizes, including the grand prize of $200,000.

The tournament will span multiple live events and five weeks of online competition on Xbox Live, and kicked off at the Rooster Teeth Expo back on July 5 and on Xbox Live July 15.

It will even span gamescom in Cologne, Germany from August 21 – 25 with six finalists from each of the live events and 20 from the online qualifiers to be handed an all expenses paid trip to participate at the Finals in Seattle, WA August 31 – September 1.

Watch live video from arenagamingleague on
