Devolver Digital to publish Ludum Dare alum Gods Will Be Watching

By Phil Owen

Indie moral dilemma simulator Gods Will Be Watching, born at Ludum Dare 26, has run a successful IndieGogo campaign thus far raising over €17,000 on an €8,000 goal with just under three days to go. And today it was announced that the game will be receiving additional support in the form of Devolver Digital, which will publish the game and match its crowdfunding take.

Devs Deconstructeam out of Valencia will use the cash to do some renovations to the title, which is a point-and-click style adventure with more of an emphasis on making Important Decisions and living with the consequences than solving puzzles, although it does have those as well. Along with the publisher announcement, we learned that they expect, or perhaps even plan, to release Gods Will Be Watching commercially on PC and mobile in spring 2014.
