SOE has confirmed that the holy trinity will not be a factor in EverQuest Next, since the game is moving away from your traditional form of MMO combat.
Speaking with USgamer during SOE Live, senior producer Terry Michaels explained how the different classes and builds can instead be combination of all roles.
“The dedicated roles of the holy trinity are not going to be present in Everquest Next,” he said. “There will be different classes and different builds that are angled towards some of the roles, so there might be a class or a build that is more tankish but you don’t need that person to accomplish that goal and content.
“You can go in there without having somebody who is the stereotypical tank.”
The change was implemented in part to the new combat mechanics -such as the lack of a typical “threat mechanic”.
In most MMOs, the tank is usually the character which holds all the aggro while the rest of the group works on burning the enemy down. If you have a good enough tank, he or she will hold aggro the entire time, leaving your ranged and crowd-control characters to take care of the adds while your healer does what it does best.
Sound like this will not be the case with EverQuest Next, which from everything we’ve heard so far, will not be your typical MMO in anyway shape or form.
You should really give the USgamer link above a read, it’s really informative a rather entertaining.
No date has been set for the new MMO, but you can register for the beta.
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