Street Fighter 2 SNES trilogy getting Wii U Virtual Console release

By Debabrata Nath

Capcom has announced that it’ll be releasing ports of three Super Nintendo Street Figther Games on the Wii U Virtual console later this week in North America and Europe.

Street Figther 2, released back in 1992 on SNES, Street Fighter 2 Turbo, which was released in 1993 on SNES and Super Street Figther 2, which launched back in 1994 on SNES, will be the games which’ll be ported.

The games, which are already available on the Wii Virtual Console, will have Miiverse support added in for their Wii U Virtual Console launch.

The games will cost you $7.99 each, but different discounts will be available in both the regions.  If you’re in North America and buy any of of the three games, you’ll get a 50% discount while buying either of the other two. Those who reside in Europe and buy two out of the three games, will get the third one free of cost.

If you already own any of the games on the Wii Virtual Console, you can upgrade your versions to be compatible with the Wii U Virtual Console versions for a nominal fee of $1.50 per game.
