The Mighty Quest for Epic Loot Open House marks the slaughter of 27 million chickens

By Stephany Nunneley

Ubisoft’s The Mighty Quest for Epic Loot closed its second “Open House” promotion yesterday, after a week of slaughtering chickens.

The firm said 4 to 5 times as many players participated during the second Open House compared to the first one.

They also were able to slay more than 27 million chickens, doubling the amount needed for the chicken challenge.

Here’s some more stats: over 498 million gold coins were stolen; 398 million life force was plundered; more than 1.7 million heroes were defeating when attacking castles.

Players who participated in the Open House can take advantage of the game’s Double-O founder’s program which grants purchasers instant and permanent access to the Closed Beta, along with premium currency and plenty of loot.

You can sign up for the beta through here.
