Wargame: Airland Battle adds free DLC based on player feedback

By Dave Owen

Wargame: Airland Battle was an already great RTS game. But developer Eugen Systems decided to ask the game’s community what could be done to improve it, and got a lot of not-crazy ideas. The result is the Vox Populi DLC pack, which vastly improves the game and is completely free.

The changes are plentiful. Wargame: European Escalation’s Conquest mode has made a return, which lets players fight to claim and retain territory rather than simply destroying enemy forces. This can be played in multiplayer against human competition or against AI foes on any of the existing maps.

The Campaign mode now supports versus play as well as co-op. The game has been expanded with 24 new units and 5 new maps, and players can now choose the nationality and equipment of enemy AI.

The Vox Populi DLC is live now, and it should download automatically next time players launch the game.
