Battlefield 4 to contain “deepest and most personal weapon customization ever”

By Stephany Nunneley

Battlefield 4 has a short, new video available showing the various weapons customization options available in the shooter. DICE has also posted a new developer blog detailing the options.

Calling the customizations the “most personal” ever in a Battlefield game, the development blog states the game has three times the accessories and weapons than any other game in the series.

Some weapons even have up to 240,000 combinations which can be used once you factor in accessories and other options. These variables can be found through a guide which appears on the game screen, providing various details and stats on each accessory and shows the various skins available as well.

DICE also outlined a way to collect various weapons through Battle Pickups in the game maps and included in many of the game modes. These are used as an incentive for players to try out the various gameplay and modes in the game .

Battlefield 4 will be available October 29 for PC, PS3 and Xbox 360 and will also be made available for PS4 and Xbox One once the consoles launch.
