F1 2014 next-gen will boast 60FPS and improved physics

By Dave Owen

Any and all future F1 games on Xbox One and PlayStation 4 will run at 60 frames per second and will feature improved physics over current-gen versions. The news has been confirmed by Codemasters communications manager Andy Gray, who said that the developer had “hit the peak of where we can go with the current-gen stuff, not only in terms of visuals but obviously physics and everything.”

Speaking to Sportra Gray said that “Having more power, as you say, enables us to do a lot more. Automatically the skip up to 60 frames per second, for example, on next-gen will enable the handling to move on leaps and bounds, because the more frames you have, the more the contact points there are essentially.”

The move to next-gen will also allow for better physics.

“We’re talking to a couple of teams about sharing their kind of physics data, in terms of the way the car actually handles in their simulators, and we can more or less port that over to consoles, which wouldn’t be possible with current-gen.

“Next-gen it becomes more possible, not to the extent that the F1 guys do because they have individual, massive gaming PCs for each tyre, one [PC] for just the air, the way the wind flow works. They have like, 10 PCs per simulator whereas we have one console. But, the more power we have the more we can simulate what it is actually like.”

There hasn’t been a next-gen F1 title announced yet, but it’s a safe bet that next year’s F1 2014 will arrive on Xbox One and PS4.

F1 2013 is released on Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and PC on October 4.

Thanks, VideoGamer.
