Survival horror Kickstarter Middle of Nowhere relaunches campaign

By Catherine Cai

Though VisionArts’s first Kickstarter didn’t go according to plan, the indie developer has made a return to the crowdfunding site, hoping to successfully fund round two of their campaign.

Developer VisionArts has relaunched the Middle of Nowhere Kickstarter campaign on the mantra of, “If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again.”

Middle of Nowhere is an exploration-based, puzzle-driven game, set in the year 2020 in… well… the middle of nowhere, America. Players will step into the shoes of Isaac Newman, who is out searching for his brother Dr. Aleister Newman, who went missing after being called out to treat a young girl. Of course, going out in to the middle of the boonies in a horror game is never a good idea, and Newman must first encounter various creepy things in various creepy dark corners before he can find out what’s happened to his brother.

So what’s changed since Kickstarter round one? Besides adding plenty more art and a downloadable demo of the games, VisionArts has (wisely) spent the past two months since the original Kickstarter developing a fanbase for the game. Considering that in just one day, the studio’s managed to raise about a third of what the original Kickstarter raised in a whole month–a mere £649–the developers are in good shape. Then again, VisionArts is asking for almost tenfold now of the original asking price, £25,000 instead of the original £3,000, to get the game shipped as a downloadable title.

In any case, check out their pitch video, below:
