The Elder Scrolls Online – Sony helped facilitate console release

By Stephany Nunneley

The Elder Scrolls Online was going to be a PC-only title until Bethesda was approached by Sony’s VP of publisher and developer relations, Adam Boyes, according to a Game Informer interview.

Boyes said Sony offered to “build a plan” that could bring the MMO to consoles after meetings with Bethesda on the matter.

“That game was never planned to come to consoles,” said Boyes. “They’re like, ‘We’re not planning it,’ and I’m like, ‘Well, what if we built a plan that we could do that?'”

The MMO is now heading to not only PlayStation 4, but Xbox One as well thanks to this discussion, and Boyes said he is pleased to have helped make it happen.

“Knowing that a game’s coming to console that was never going to come to console, that’s the kind of stuff that is, hugely awesome,” he said.

The Elder Scrolls Online is slated for a Mac, PC, PS4 and Xbox One release in 2014.

Thanks, Polygon.
