This one seems pretty cool guys. A dual analog Metroidvania, where you swing from the ceiling using two tentacles that have been attached to your back. Mark of the Old Ones comes courtesy of Hit the Sticks, an eight member indie team who are asking for $225,000 to make their game a reality. Check out some cool prototype footage after the jump.
Instead of the now standard stretch goal system, Hit the Sticks are looking to build Mark of the Old Ones episodically, developing another chapter of the game’s four with every $300,000 they raise over their initial goal. This is to avoid “inventing” stretch goals in the middle of their campaign which might “blow the project way out of scope and make it impossible to deliver”. Makes sense.
While many Kickstarters have a high tier reward that includes collaborating on some of the game’s content, usually a boss or power, Hit the Sticks are offering as many as eight paid internships at their offices, last 12 weeks and doing digital art.
The studio previously made an “online multiplayer turn-based strategy game that features a unique teleporter-based movement mechanic”called Just Tactics.
If you liked the look of the early mechanics protoype shown in the Kickstarter video, you can play it yourself.
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