Penello: Microsoft “crunching” but Xbox One SDK bugs not as “dire or dramatic” as rumoured

By Brenna Hillier

Microsoft’s Albert Penello has spoken out to calm yesterday’s rumours that the Xbox One’s SDK is in a sorry state indeed.

“There is a really bizarre phenomenon going on right now where the frenzy for news, drama, and behind-the-scenes dealings is clouding logic and reason,” Penello said on Reddit.

“There is nothing going on behind the scenes nearly as interesting as everyone would like to believe. We are a month away from launch, and people are working hard to finalize the last of the bugs. There are still a lot things left to be done. We’re crunching and I’m sure Sony’s crunching too.

“I know people are excited. I’m sorry but things are nowhere near as dire or dramatic or exciting as everyone would like to believe. That’s why I’m not commenting on every single random rumor that comes along, because everything I see is so drastically overblown vs. reality.”

The Xbox One launches on November 22.

Thanks, MCV.
