Phantom Army is Zombie Studios’ new free-to-play shooter

By Brenna Hillier

Blacklight developer Zombie Studios has yet another project on the go – the free-to-play, third-person cover shooter Phantom Army, which boasts a cel-shaded aesthetic with a 1980’s comic books and action hero vibe.

Destructoid reports Phantom Army is Unreal Engine-based, coming to Steam in 2014, and has character customisation.

In an interview, the site extracted more information; Phantom Army is intended to be fast, with a clamber system for rapidly navigating obstacles in the terrain. Positioning your character in good cover at the correct range for your weapon is key; the developer describes it as something like a rapid-fire chess or checkers games.

Before a match starts, both teams choose an L-shaped section of map, which is joined by a randomly-selected square; this is to stop players learning map runs by heart, which can make shooters predictable.

More information on Phantom Army is available on the game’s website.

Zombie Studios is perhaps best known for the Blacklight games, successful multiplayer first-person shooters; the free-to-play Blacklight: Retribution is coming to PS4. The developer has multiple teams, and another is also working on Daylight, a randomly-generated horror adventure.

Thanks, Joystiq.
