Toki Tori 2+ Wii U level editor canned, free Steam copy offered in compensation

By Brenna Hillier

Two Tribes has regretfully cancelled the level editor for the Wii U version of Toki Tori 2+, but is offering affected customers a free copy of the game on Steam to compensate.

In a blog post, the developer apologised for breaking its promise and explained its reasoning.

The primary reason for the cancellation is a business decision; Toki Tori 2+ didn’t meet sales expectations, and this combined with over-budget development means Two tribes had to ask itself if extra development is worth the investment, as only a fraction of users will take advantage of the level editor.

Two Tribes also said it ran into “a number of technical issues and missing features” when working to integrate with Miiverse, and couldn’t find a reasonable custom server solution, either. Eventually, Two Tribes even entered talks with Valve and Nintendo to see about Steam integration on Wii U – but was shot down.

On top of all that, the developer had a hell of a time trying to design a level editor to work with game Pad rather than keyboard and mouse, and had doubts about producing an entirely new level editor “good enough for the highly critical console audience”.

To compensate Wii U owners for the lack of level editor, the team is offering a free copy of the Steam version, which is fully equipped with a level editor. To take advantage, just visit either the European or North American Miiverse posts on the subject and leave a reply; do not include any personal information in your post.

The Miiverse post will allow Two tribes to verify that you own Toki Tori 2+, but you’ll also have to send an email to with the following details:

  • Subject: “Wii U Steam Key”
  • Mail: Steam ID, Wii U region (EU/US) and a link to your Miiverse profile

Toki Tori 2+ is the name given to the updated version of Toki Tori 2 which released on Wii U, and was also pushed out as a free update to other platforms.
