Killzone: Shadow Fall gets official 24-player team deathmatch Warzone

By Dave Cook

Killzone: Shadow Fall developer Guerrilla Games has updated its official Warzone playlist with a 24-player Team Deathmatch game-type.

It follows last week’s wave of Killzone: Shadow Fall reviews. See what the critics thought through the link.

The studio announced its official Warzone on Twitter:

Elsewhere, the studio responded to a query regarding clan support, a feature that has been confirmed as in-development:

Lastly, the studio had this to say when asked if it would consider Free-For-All Warzone type:

Guerrilla added that a ‘south paw’ controller layout is being looked into now, there’s no plans for split-screen play and Operations Mode is being considered at present, but isn’t promised.

Thanks MP1st.
