Fallout 4 rumors have gotten a new coat of paint today with a new Morse code translating to a distress call.
According to a post with cracked code information on IncGamers, the new code replacing the 11-12-13 code read: “Nuclear winter is coming. Reserve your future home today! Call 877-260-2299.”
The phone number played the Tranquility Lane theme from Fallout 3, and contained more Morse code, but the number apparently no longer works as of today.
The Vault-tek logo is also showing on the site, and new portions of the website show “VT137-7042299-V119BST: PERMISSION DENIED BY OVERSEER.”
Reddit has all sorts of information available on this if you care to have a read here.
Bethesda recentlytrademarkedFallout 4 in Europe, and the website popped up earlier the same week.
The Spike VGX, are happening soon and the last time Bethesda said anything about what its working on next, was that whatever it is was looking awesome.
Game Informer played around with the supposed teaser site when it launched, and felt at the time it was a hoax. Bethesda refused comment on rumor and speculation at when probed for comment.
We’ll find out eventually whether that is the case or not, surely.
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