Fallout 4 teaser site finally revealed to be a fake

By Stephany Nunneley

Like many of us suspected, the “Fallout 4 teaser site” was a big fat fake. It was updated last night with a video of the Tunnel Snakes from Fallout 3, dancing around in that meme video going on about how they rule and such. There was also a “hidden page” showing a door that when opened says “fuck you” which was pulled from Reddit. Nice. Supposedly it was created by a member of the Fallout community who runs a Fallout Facebook page who got bored, and decided to create the fake site,according to IncGamers. That’s all you really need to know. That and Bethesda finally spoke up last night on Twitter saying: “If you don’t hear it through an official channel like this, assume all rumors and speculation are false.” Thanks, Gumpy.
