GDC 2014 adds sessions from Adam Orth, Naughty Dog, EEDAR, Squad, more

By Stephany Nunneley

GDC 2014 organizers have announced new sessions and tracks for the annual San Francisco event. Details are below.

First off, former Microsoft developer Adam Orth will provide an extended version of his GDC Next talk Mob Rules: The Destructive Power of Opinion and Online Community.

Secondly, Naughty Dog engineer Max Dyckhoff will take the stage and discuss companion AI in his talk Ellie: Buddy AI in The Last Of Us.

Also new to the schedule is a presentation from EEDAR president Geoffrey Zatkin who will provide attendees with useful industry numbers in his sessions titled Awesome Video Game Data 2014.

Kerbal Space Program developer Squad has been added to the Independent Games Summit schedule, and during his session titled Sandbox Lessons: Modular Design in Kerbal Space Program, technical artist Chad Jenkins will discuss designing reusable, multipurpose assets. Jenkins will go over the viability of such assets which can be easily modified during content updates or remixed by modders.

10,000,000 developer Luca Redwood will also be on hand to provide details how he was able to “achieve notable success selling a mobile game for a fixed price with no IAP.” Attendees of his talk titled Making 10,000,000 will be provided with knowledge on his design decisions and more.

Finally, as part of the Game Narrative Summit, Walden: A Game’s Tracy Fullerton will provide a talk titled I Went To The Woods: World Building, Gameplay and Narrative. In her sessions, she will discuss the possibilities and potential pitfalls of telling story through gameplay mechanics.

GDC 2014 takes place March 17-21 at the Moscone Convention Center in San Francisco.
