Halo Xbox One “journey” begins in 2014, Microsoft PR promises

By Brenna Hillier

A new Halo game will release in 2014, unless we’re wildly misinterpreting a comment from a Microsoft representative.

A new Xbox Wire post listed upcoming Xbox One games expected in 2014: Titanfall, Watch Dogs, Project Spark, Sunset Overdrive, The Division, The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, Destiny, Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare and The Elder Scrolls Online, “among others”.

You’ll notice there’s no mention of Halo there, but Rob Semsey, senior PR manager for the Halo and Forza Motorsport franchises, took to Twitter to declare the omission deliberate but inaccurate.

“Xbox Wire today mentioned a few 2014 titles; Halo on Xbox One not listed due to official name of the next title not announced yet,” he said.

“Rest assured your next Halo journey will begin in 2014.”

That’s a two year turnaround from 2012’s Halo 4. After E3 2013 we knew 343 Industries was working on a new Halo game for Xbox One, and that it deliberately chose to delay the project so that Halo 4 could release happen, but we didn’t really hope for a 2014 release.

There is one Halo game on the new console, though – the twin stick shooter Halo: Spartan Assault, which is also available on Windows 8 devices and Xbox 360.

Twitter links: 1, 2.
