In response to a Reddit thread on last night’s NPD results, Xbox’s Larry “Major Nelson” Hryb has said the “hate that infects gaming” needs to stop.
Last night, Microsoft reported during December in North America that Xbox One was the number one selling console in the market, moving 908,000 units. Additionally, Xbox 360 moved 643,000 units in December, putting it in the number three spot overall, and lead for last generation hardware.
Together, Xbox One and Xbox 360 held 46% of the hardware market share in the US and showed a 10% year-over-year growth from December 2012.
“Both new platforms are off to a great start,” said Hryb. “We all should be celebrating a healthy vibrant industry. Sony has done a good job, and they should be commended. The hate that infects gaming in the online space needs to go away.”
Hryb went on to say Sony would “sell a ton” along with Xbox One because the “industry is doing well and consumers have choice.”
Sony responded to the figures lats night but stating PlayStation 4 remained “the cumulative leader for next-gen console sales” since its the launch in the US on November 15.
“We sold every PS4 available at retail in the US and were out of stock in December due to overwhelming consumer demand,” said SCEA’s senior director of corporate communications Dan Race.
Thanks, ffronw.
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