Star Wars 1313 trademark abandoned by Disney

By Stephany Nunneley

The trademark for Star Wars 1313 has expired and it looks as though Disney has no plans to renew it.

The game was shelved by Disney due to the closure of LucasArts studio, and would have had players starring as Boba Fett.

The United States Patent and Trademark Office has the game currently classified as “abandoned because no Statement of Use or Extension Request timely filed after Notice of Allowance was issued.”

As The Escapist notes, EA could choose to renew it as it struck a deal with Disney to work on Star Wars properties, but at this point it’s doubtful, as the firm is working on a new Battlefront title for 2015.

Various concept art and gamplay details have surfaced over the months since its cancellation, and you can refresh yourself on anything and everything Star Wars 1313 through our hub.
