US PS Store update, January 28 – Tomb Raider: DE, Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Z, more

By Brenna Hillier

This week’s North American PlayStation Store update is a real grab-bag of things, with a number of classics, a fancy PS4 upgrade title, several Vita releases and a modest DLC collection.


There’s one PS3 pre-order – Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy 13.

In terms of things you can actually have, Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition is here for PS4, and both the Curve Studios Bundle and Dragon Ball: Battle of Z are available on PS3 and Vita. For Vita alone, there’s a Stardrone + BreakQuest Extra Evolution Bundle.

That’s not all; there are a couple of PSOne Classics, playable on PSP, PS3 and Vita – Cyber Sled and The Firemen 2: Pete & Danny – as well as one PS2 Classic, playable on PS3 – Mark Davis Pro Bass Challenge.

PlayStation Plus members get a free copy of Smart As, as well as a discount on the Vita version of Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Z, this week’s Vita Play promoted title.

They also get extra savings on the Final Fantasy sale, but there are other sales worth checking out whether you’re a member or not.

Now to DLC: you’ll find new content for Bandfuse: Rock Legends, DC Universe Online, Killzone: Shadow Fall, Pinball Arcade and Rocksmith 2014.

Otherwise, head to the PlayStation Blog to see full update details including prices, download sizes, price changes, sales, avatars and themes.
