#Dungeon is a new roguelike that generates rooms from tweets

By Dave Cook

#Dungeon is the new fantasy roguelike from developers Kieran Hicks and Sean Oxspring. It auto-generates rooms, enemy placement and loot based on hashtagged tweets so that every play-through will be different.

Polygon reports that the top-down, bullet hell roguelike will incorporate generated rooms from tweets using the hashtag #HashtagDungeon. In an interview with the site, Oxspring explained that tweets would be updated as rooms in the game, “in the same way that a Twitter stream on a website would be.”

He added, “This means that next time you play the game there may be totally new rooms and areas to explore. We’ve developed a system where players are able to create tweets that represent a particular room inside a dungeon.

“We’ve looked at several methods to ensure dungeon rooms are functional, including limiting the total number of things that can spawn in any room (rooms that are further from the start can have more enemies and stuff than those close to the player start…) and having objects snap to a grid based system.”

There’s also a level editor that will generate tweets for creators automatically. Here’s an example of the editor at work:


#Dungeon is currently planned for a summer launch on PC and Android devices, and will see post-launch expansion and support.

What do you think?
