EverQuest Next Landmark closed beta testing starts next week

By Stephany Nunneley

EverQuest Next Landmark closed beta testing will start next week on March 26, Sony Online Entertainment has announced.


According to a post on the SOE Forums (thanks, Blue), the test will wipe everything except for character names, purchased items, and templates Alpha testers have saved.

This means that players will need to choose a new appearance, gather new resources, craft new tools and make new claims from scratch again so that all testers start at the same place.

The post suggests saving templates for everything before the last day of the Alpha test, which ends tomorrow, March 24.

“To get ready for the end of Alpha, we highly recommend that you template any items on your claims that you want to resurrect during closed beta,” states the post. “Consider templating things with props, without props, and possibly even re-textured as dirt or something simple so that you can rebuild it easily when you have few resources available.

“When the claims are wiped at the end of Alpha, we will be templating each of your claims for you, but many of your claims require vast amounts of resources before they can be placed so it still might be beneficial for you to go in and make individual templates to make it easier to restore pieces of your claim as you gain resources.”

If you have yet to sign up for beta testing, click here.
