Hegemony Rome: The Rise of Caesar Chapter 3 update available through Early Access

By Stephany Nunneley

Hegemony Rome: The Rise of Caesar Early Access has been given a major update with Chapter 3 which includes improved enemy combat AI and many other features, tweaks and bug fixes.

hegemony rome

Here’s the full change Log:


German Localizations
Chapter 3 added
New objective rewards in chapter 2
Miscellaneous AI, balance, and objective tweaks in chapters 1 & 2


All friendly unit formations are now visible on the battlefield
Randomised enemies for some battles
Improved enemy combat AI
New background asset loader to improve performance
Unit selections can now be assigned to the number keys


Fixed bug with non-english characters in the load/save game screen
Fixed “Unit formation index” bug
Fixed some “Error caching brigade” bugs
Diplomacy options that would break the campaign are now locked
Fixed potential freeze when units rout
Fixed bug with drag selection when a lot of units were onscreen

Hegemony Rome: The Rise of Caesar is available through Steam Early Access here, and a developer video is below.
