Star Trek Online – Season 9: A New Accord releasing in April

By Stephany Nunneley

Star Trek Online – Season 9: A New Accord will release next month, Cryptic Studios has announced.


Season 9 takes up where Season 8.5 -A Step Between Stars left off with the Undine using the link between the Solanae and Jenolan Dyson Spheres to make their way into the Alpha Quadrant. This saw a “powerful enemy” unleashed up the Federation, Klingon Empire, and Romulan Republic.

What the Undine are up to and other questions are the heart of the story in A New Accord, told through a new feature episode which includes a new space battlezone, and several queued PvE content.

The Earth Spacedock will also see an upgrade, and will be less confining and more “fun place to visit.”

You can read the entire producer’s letter over on the official website.

Thanks, TenTonHammer.
