Duke Nukem: Mass Destruction website redirects, contains no mention of Duke

By Stephany Nunneley

The Duke Nukem: Mass Destruction website, AllOutOfGum.com, now redirects the user to NoGumNeeded.com which features a lit bomb ready to go off in 29 days.

no gum needed

All hints surrounding Duke Nukem have been removed, which likely has something to do with the ongoing lawsuit.

Late in March, 3D Realms responded to Gearbox Software’s claim it and Interceptor Entertainment along with Apogee Software were not authorized to use the Duke Nukem trademark.

The companies submitted an answer to the lawsuit, stating  Gearbox’s Asset Purchase Agreement contained only the rights to Duke Nukem Forever and that 3D Realms would be able to “complete and sell a videogame called “Duke Nukem Survivor.”

Survivor was likely the name of the Duke Nukem: Mass Destruction title which first appeared on the Internet’s radar back in February.

Via Eurogamer.
