It’s Easter Weekend: we’re off to celebrate the festivities

By Stephany Nunneley

It’s a long, Easter Weekend, and because of this, VG247 will be going dark from now through Monday.


The US celebrates a half day today leading into the weekend, and the UK is off until Tuesday.

We’re not as lucky in the US, but I won’t bitch too hard about it because I have Monday’s off anyway.

So, here’s hopping (see what I did there?) everyone enjoys this time off to: drink; go to mass; lash themselves; dress as a rabbit and do unspeakable things to your mate; overdose on chocolate; gorge on ham and deviled eggs; scour the pubs for ladies/gents; or whatever it is you do to celebrate.

Enjoy your long weekend, lovelies, and stay out of jail.

See you Tuesday.
