Harmonix teasing announcement for Monday that’s “been in the works for a while”

By Stephany Nunneley

Fantasia: Music Evolved and Chroma aren’t the only things in the works at Harmonix, if a tweet from the firm’s director of marketing John Drake is any indication.

According to to Drake, the firm is set to announced something on Monday, May 5.

“Looks like we might have an announcement to make on Monday at Harmonix,” he said. “Been in the works for a while – psyched to share it with you guys. And no it’s not a new Rock Band or a new Dance Central, before you ask.”

It could be the Record Run mobile game from the company rumored to be in the works, or something else entirely. Stay tuned, then.

Music Evolved is in development for Xbox 360 and Xbox One and Chroma for PC.

Thanks, Gematsu.
