Play FIFA for free without pirating a thing

By Patrick Garratt

FIFA World is a watershed moment in free-to-play. It’s a free FIFA game. It doesn’t cost anything. Pat takes a look.



I know very little about football, but then I’m probably exactly the sort of person EA’s looking to attract with FIFA World. Just out of closed beta, FIFA World is a free version of FIFA 14 for PC. You can download it now from Origin (or directly from the FIFA World site). The controls aren’t apparently quite as refined as FIFA 14, but that’s like saying, “This free iPhone has 10% less battery capacity than this $600 version.” Who cares?

I played the practice match this morning. It’s a FIFA game. For nothing. Check out what happened in the video below. I left it at the default resolution to show you what it looks like without any fiddling. This is on medium graphics settings.

Once this match is over you go straight into a FIFA Ultimate Team set-up, where you’re able to spend real money or in-game currency. We’ll show you a bit of that in the next video.

Free PC games, eh?
