Care to guess how many people attended E3 2014?

By Dave Cook

E3 2014 is basically over, but the news will continue to trickle out of the internet, like a thin stew dribbling down the beard of some weary old man. It may surprise you to learn that more people attended the show than last year, but it wasn’t all good news.


Polygon reports that some 48,900 people attended E3 this year, that’s 1.5% more people within the Los Angeles Conference Centre than there was last year. Comparatively, E3 2013 saw 48,200 enter the halls.

There were over 200 exhibitors on show, but there were over 10% less companies in attendance than the over 230 last year. Maybe that’s because more smaller teams had sided with publishers, or perhaps there were more closures. We’re not sure, but there were certainly less.

In a statement, ESA president Michael Gallagher said of the numbers, “The video game industry’s explosive growth and technological innovation were front and center at E3 2014.

“Video games are the most innovative and engaging force driving our culture and entertainment experiences the world over. Congratulations to our incredibly creative members, partners, exhibitors, and the hundreds of millions of gamers who engaged with the show online and through social media.”

E3 2015 will take place June 16-18. We’ll be there.

In case you feel you may have missed some news, hit up out Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo conference round-ups. Everything you need is through those links.
