How the Watch Dogs Profiler can highlight ugly thinking of some games players

By Stephany Nunneley

Watch Dogs contains a Profiler allowing players to glean all sort of information pertaining to non-playable characters going about their day in the game world. In the video posted below, the virtual population of Chicago is oblivious to the fact a psychopath has a disturbing agenda: murdering people based on their race and religion.

The video titled “Making the World a Better Place” created by YouTuber Moopoke, shows the player gunning down gay men, Scientologists, Muslims, illegal immigrants, furries, Canadians, conspiracy theorists, and anyone else he feels is a threat to society.

Watch Dogs punishes you for killing innocent civilians, and while the video is likely just a “gag”, one hopes this is not how the YouTuber really feels regarding society’s melting pot.

When asked about how the tech could be used to target minorities and the like, scriptwriter Ethan James Petty stated: “[That’s the] sick reality we live in – people’s privacy reduced to facts. Profiler at its core should be offensive to everyone.”

Many gamers when confronted with moral situations, tend to act accordingly, choosing good over evil (that’s just one such poll)- as with the Little Sisters in BioShock.

Still, games with moral choices are just that: a game with a moral choice. You can do what you want with little to no consequence.

Via Kotaku.
