Space Hulk: Deathwing’s new Unreal Engine 4 trailer shows promise… and bullets

By Dave Cook

Space Hulk: Deathwing has received a new trailer out of Games Workshop and Streum On Studio, showing a trio of Space Marines laying into the Genestealer horde with an orgy of bullets.

As you can see, the shooter is looking rather shiny in Unreal Engine 4. It puts players into the iron codpiece of a Deathwing Librarian as the Dark Angels venture inside a colossal Space Hulk ship. Inside they’ll find Genestealers a-plenty, but that’s OK because you’ll have an assortment of Psyker powers to help you stomp some alien butt.

What do you think so far? Here’s some bonus screens for you to check out, courtesy of publisher Focus Home Interactive:




