Robot Entertainment designer Jerome K. Jones is of the opinion toxic players can be an asset to games such as the firm’s Orcs Must Die! Unchained.
Speaking with Polygon, Jones said since players such as there won’t “go away” they help drive a game’s longevity.
“There’s probably something good about the toxic players showing up and sticking with your game,” he said. “The good thing is probably that it’s a good game. It’s holding their interest, it’s keeping them around. It’s making them passionate enough to give a damn.
“They’re not going to go away. And honestly, I don’t think you want them to. You need those people there. They’re driving the game. They’re giving it longevity. They’re giving it passion. And when they find something about your game that they love, they defend it to the death. Those are the same people that can go to bat for you.
“I don’t think those are bad people, you just gotta do your best to deal with them in whatever manner seems to work the best.”
Orcs Must Die! Unchained is currently in a closed beta and will be released on PC as a free-to-play title. Unlike its tower defense namesake, Unchained contains teams multiplayer or those who wish to go solo can use bots.
Squads of 5v5 will compete in holding back the hordes of enemies, and players will be able to summon minions to help quell the waves.
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